Blog Posts About Blog Posts and SEO
You might want to write better blog posts on your blog. But where would you start to improve how search engines rank your content?
Not Another Blog Post About Blog Posts
So, first you probably want to put content of some kind in your blog post. Really, this paragraph is introducing the first main topic. It can be short, or a little longer. Let’s just not make it too long.
You will also want to segue into your next topic appropriately, such as SEO for images in your blog posts.
Images in Your Blog Posts
You may feel inclined to just slap images into your blog post. Sure, why not? All the cool kids do it.
And that’s great – images can be friendly, visual reminders of what you are talking about. It breaks up the otherwise monotonous tone that a wall of text tries to present.
In fact, here’s an image for you:
Wasn’t that a lovely image?
Now, how do search engines treat mixed media content like this? That’s a great question, and the Yoast SEO tool we will look at does a great job of tipping us in the right direction.
Readability and Your Blog Post
You may have heard that content is king when it comes to SEO. And that’s true, but oftentimes I find that folks read that the wrong way. What we mean by this is that your content – every page and every post – has a chance to shine in a unique way of its own accord and personality. Maybe your spunk or your heart and soul carries through. Maybe you are offering tips and insights into your industry that are not really out there as you have offered them.
Regardless of your text content, it needs to be readable. Not only search engines but also your readers will be judging your content on this merit.
If it reads like a poorly-translated technical operator’s manual, it isn’t going to be easy to read. For that reason, folks won’t want to read or share – and Google takes notice.
This is just a conclusion. You could really write anything here, but I’m not going to bother with anything useful. Your conclusion or ending paragraph should probably be useful in a substantive way, something that recaps the blog post or segues into a larger series. You could even add footnotes with more resources.
Bonus: Yoast’s page on Cornerstone Content.